“Brodie’s law is not a bullying law but a stalking law. So as strong a symbol as this legislation is, in reality, it’s useless in about 95 per cent of workplace bullying cases,” Mr Bornstein said. Mr Bornstein also rejected the use of criminal law to address workplace bullying. “It is not a workable model […]
Public servants forced to see shrinks

PUBLIC servants who complain of bullying or criticise their managers are being labelled “mentally incapacitated” and forced to see psychiatrists. The state’s Employee Ombudsman is investigating a spike in complaints from public servants stood down – some even marched from their workplace in front of colleagues – after being told they were “mentally unfit” to […]
Workplace bullying witnesses consider quitting more than the victims

New research from the Sauder School of Business at UBC reveals that workers who witness bullying can have a stronger urge to quit than those who experience it firsthand. The findings of the study indicate bullying’s corrosive effects in the workplace may be more dramatic and costly than suspected. “We tend to assume that people […]
Shame in our workplaces

Shame in our workplaces DAVID KILLICK | July 13, 2012 12.01am COMPLAINTS of workplace bullying have doubled in Tasmania this year and union leaders say the problem is being covered up by “hush money” payments. Unions Tasmania chief Kevin Harkins told a Federal Government inquiry that laws were no match for a new […]
Pocket Guide: Responding to Workplace Bullying

A quick guide on how to respond to workplace bullying. http://www.comcare.gov.au/Forms_and_Publications/published_information/our_services/safety_and_prevention/safety_and_prevention/pock_guide_resp_to_workplace_bully
Geelong man fights bullying

A GEELONG man will today give evidence at a Federal Government inquiry into workplace bullying and call for mandatory reporting to WorkSafe. The Standing Committee on Education and Employment will examine the nature, causes and extent of workplace bullying and consider proposals to address it after the Productivity Commission estimated the issue cost Australia up […]
Parker takes fight against bullying to the public

It is time to speak out. That was the message from Maitland MP Robyn Parker – an avid anti-bullying supporter – when she distributed leaflets to families at Maitland Park yesterday. Ms Parker said bullying is “a very real and present danger in our schools and workplaces” and encouraged people not to ignore the problem. […]
A third of public service witness bullying

A State government survey of thousands of Victorian public servants found that 36 per cent had witnessed workplace bullying in the past year. A further 20 per cent said they had directly experienced bullying, while 3 per cent had also submitted a formal complaint. The State of the Public Sector report was tabled in the […]
Victorians urged to take a stand against bullying

One year on from the introduction of Brodie’s Law, Attorney-General Robert Clark has today launched a campaign urging Victorians to take a stand against bullying. The ‘Take a stand against bullying’ campaign will see information about bullying and Brodie’s Law distributed to more than 8,000 schools, workplaces and police stations across Victoria. The campaign is […]
Economic stress blamed for work bullying

WORKPLACE bullying will probably increase as economic conditions worsen, putting companies and staff under intense pressure, a federal inquiry has heard. Testifying at the Perth hearing of the House of Representatives Education and Employment Standing Committee inquiry into workplace bullying on Wednesday, UnionsWA president Meredith Hammat said national workers’ compensation claims for harassment had almost […]